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FAO Avocado Climate Change Adaptation

FAO Avocado Climate Change Adaptation

A very interesting & comprehensive report from the FAO (United Nations Food & Agriculture Organisation), which highlights the potential impact of Climate Change to Avocado, with particular focus on production in our growing regions. Click Here to Download the...
Prepare for a hotter summer, mac farmers warned

Prepare for a hotter summer, mac farmers warned

Article extracted from: https://themacadamia.co.za/2024/02/08/prepare-for-a-hotter-summer-mac-farmers-warned/ Experts agree that while El NiƱo is expected to make landfall in South Africa mid-summer, if macadamia farmers prepare now, they could mitigate the impact of...
How a focus on genetics can triple macadamia yield

How a focus on genetics can triple macadamia yield

Original article from: https://www.farmersweekly.co.za/crops/fruit-and-nuts/how-a-focus-on-genetics-can-triple-macadamia-yield/ apples and citrus. But with a greater focus on genetics, and fine-tuning every step in the production process, tripling macadamia yields...

Breaking into South Africa’s macadamia nut industry

Original article by: https://edition.cnn.com/videos/world/2023/11/29/marketplace-africa-macadamia-nuts-south-africa-intl-spc.cnn As the world’s largest producer of macadamia nuts, South Africa is looking to precision farming and other sustainable practices to...
Genes are the foundation of your Mac Orchard

Genes are the foundation of your Mac Orchard

Article Sponsored by RedSun Hortitech | Philip Lee, CompleteLee Nuts Consulting The first and probably most important decision which every farmer must take when planning a new macadamia orchard: Which cultivar should I plant? Or, more appropriately, which cultivars...