What should I look for when buying macadamia trees?
It is important to buy good-quality planting stock when establishing an orchard. We suggest that you buy from a Seedling Growers Association of South Africa (SGASA) accredited nursery, which is also a SAMAC Registered Nursery.
Click on the link to find a list of nurseries (https://www.samac.org.za/nurseries).
Avoid trees that are stunted, pot-bound or infested with pests or infected by a disease. To ensure the orchard gets off to a good start, select vigorously growing trees free from nutrient disorders, insect pests and disease with a good healthy root system. Buyers should look closely for:
- A healthy well-formed root system that is not spiralled or twisted.
- A root system that has masses of very fine roots throughout the potting mix.
- A potting mix that is well-drained, friable, and free from waterlogging and hard compacted clods.
- Healthy, vigorous, well-formed growth with dark green foliage/plant leaves.
- A minimum of 150 mm of hardened new growth above the graft. This should consist of at least two growth flushes with a strong graft union.
- Trees that are free from insect pests and diseases.