+27 (0)64 957 2171 info@redsunhort.co.za

our products

Macadamia Trees

Top Quality Macadamia Trees

Selecting varieties to plant in commercial orchards is a complicated and subjective challenge for growers and nurseries. There are many varieties to choose from. Performance varies according to the region where they are planted, there is no perfect variety for all climatic and management situations.

In addition to having dedicated clonal mother blocks for propagation of all commercial South African Macadamia varieties, RedSun has been approved by CitroGold to propagate and distribute Australian Hidden Valley Macadamia Varieties to Southern African Growers.

When it comes to selecting the right variety, our experienced team at RedSun will guide your farm and orchard planning with you.

A SAMAC Certified Nursery

Red Sun Hortitech is here to guide you “Excellent Trees = Successful Farmers”


our products

Unique Seedling Rootstocks

Rootstock has profound effects on traits such as yield and tree size in various horticultural industries.

Our macadamia trees are produced as varieties grafted onto N2, H2, 695 (Beaumont) seedling rootstocks.

N2 is precocious and has excellent adaptability to regional conditions.  H2 and 695 are currently the most common rootstock cultivars globally, based on tree growth rate as well as kernel recovery, canopy width, canopy efficiency, (yield per unit canopy area), Phytophthora resistance attributes.

The H2 Hinde variety (Macadamia integrifolia) is the dominant macadamia rootstock kept by Australian nurseries.  It is estimated that 90% of all grafted Australian commercial trees stem from H2.


our products

Clonal Rootstocks

Depending on farming conditions and in a continued effort to achieve greater macadamia tree vigour and uniformity as well as selecting for dwarfing characteristics we also graft varieties onto clonal 695 rootstocks and produce excellent 695, N2, A4, 814, 816 Rooted Clonal Cuttings.

our products

Mother-Blocks & Cultivars

RedSun grafts all popular macadamia varieties onto carefully selected rootstocks suited to client’s conditions.

Varieties and rootstock selections taken directly from our certified mother blocks are planned with clients to ensure accurate rootstock allocations are available and a grafting program is developed to achieve each client’s planting program and variety mix.

Our on-site cultivar mother blocks and the Merensky Trust cultivar mother blocks established by Sapekoe (SAMAC) in Tzaneen in the 1990’s are audited and accredited and provide fully traceable scion material. 

We are accredited to propagate CitroGold A268, A203 selections.

micro trees

our products

Micro Trees

For our international growers planting across Africa where logistics is a challenge but obtaining the best genetic material is essential, RedSun has successfully innovated micro macadamia tree production.

Both 695 rooted clonal cuttings and varieties grafted onto clonal rootstocks are available to our growers with grow on facilities requiring only 6 months before field planting. RedSun provides technical management support on site to ensure quality trees go to field.

Global Gap Accredited since 2019 | SAMAC first accredited in 2014 | SGASA first accredited in 2017

RedSun Hortitech: SGASA Accredited tree nursery based in Tzaneen, Limpopo. Distributing quality Macadamia and Avocado Trees nationally & internationally.
Quality | Reliability | Integrity

Get In Touch

GV81 Pusela, Georges Valley Road (R528), Tzaneen, 0850, SOUTH AFRICA


+27 (0)64 957 2171

07H00 – 16H00 (Mon – Fri)

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