+27 (0)64 957 2171 info@redsunhort.co.za


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Prepare for a hotter summer, mac farmers warned

Prepare for a hotter summer, mac farmers warned

Article extracted from: https://themacadamia.co.za/2024/02/08/prepare-for-a-hotter-summer-mac-farmers-warned/ Experts agree that while El Niño is expected to make landfall in South Africa mid-summer, if macadamia farmers prepare now, they could mitigate the impact of...

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Genes are the foundation of your Mac Orchard

Genes are the foundation of your Mac Orchard

Which cultivar should I plant? Or, more appropriately, which cultivars should I plant, given the knowledge that there is about half a ton of Nut-In-Shell (NIS) per hectare yield benefit from cross-pollination if we plant two cultivars together in one block.

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Global Gap Accredited since 2019 | SAMAC first accredited in 2014 | SGASA first accredited in 2017

RedSun Hortitech: SGASA Accredited tree nursery based in Tzaneen, Limpopo. Distributing quality Macadamia and Avocado Trees nationally & internationally.
Quality | Reliability | Integrity

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GV81 Pusela, Georges Valley Road (R528), Tzaneen, 0850, SOUTH AFRICA


+27 (0)64 957 2171

07H00 – 16H00 (Mon – Fri)

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